Eat More Plants!

Adopt a VegInspired life and find harmony with your wellness & life.

When living a VegInspired Life, you can have it all!

kathy veginspired holding red cabbage sitting with veggies and fruits

Are you tired of being tired? Wish you had more energy to show up for your life?

You’ve read all the books, and done all the “things,” but still not getting the results you want?

Know plant-based is the solution; but you can’t seem to make it stick? Or you aren’t sure how to get started?

Imagine not having to choose between your well-being and your goals!

Imagine living a healthy lifestyle that supports and is in alignment with your wellness and life goals! One where you have confidence, freedom, and fulfillment.

With a VegInspired Life, you’ll be able to have more…


Health & Wellness






Alignment & Harmony


Hi, I’m Kathy

I knew the research and results of adopting a plant-based diet. I knew the solution was to clean up the way I was eating and start eating more whole food, plant-based meals, but …

…but I was scared! …but I didn’t know where to start! …but I was too tired. …but I didn’t want to miss out on the amazing food on our travels! … but what if it didn’t really work?!

I had all the “buts,” and when I finally made the decision to go all in on whole-food, plant-based eating; I actually tried to talk myself out of it, and my husband asked me that life-changing question… “What if you stop thinking about plant-based eating as a diet and start focusing on adopting plant-based habits as part of your way of life?”

So I ask you, what if you had the support and guidance to live the life of your dreams, to go all in and create a way of living that aligns with and supports your personal and professional goals? To live a VegInspired Life?

Plant-Based Mentorship & Coaching

Fuel your aligned and inspired life with an Eat More Plants approach. This individualized mentorship & mindset experience meets you where you are and guides you through a SHIFT to your new way of living.


Successfully Plant-Based Membership

Ready to unlock vibrant energy, radiant health, and a community of like-minded individuals? Join the Successfully Plant-Based Community and discover the easiest, most enjoyable ways to embrace and maintain a plant-based lifestyle!

Weekly coaching and plant-based resource calls to support you on your plant-based journey.

The Meal Plan Essentials Kit For the Modern, Health Conscious Woman. Dip your toe into meal planning with 2 guided meal planning videos, our framework, checklist, and 2 meal plan templates. If you've wanted to try meal planning, this is the the starting point to help you revolutionize your meal plan routine!


Speaking & Interviews

The benefits of plant-based eating are shown to increase productivity, energy, and overall quality of life!

Schedule Kathy to speak to your podcast, company, organization, or community.

“This is the perfect program for all levels of plant based lifestyles from beginner to experienced. This program breaks it down and keeps you engaged in plant based eating making it fun and easy!”

Kristy S.

Coaching Client

The plant-based program has put me in charge of my own success, giving me everything I need to succeed. I am now more knowledgeable about what I’m using to fuel my body and maintain a plant-based lifestyle. But more importantly, why I should eat and maintain a plant-based, unprocessed food lifestyle and the benefits!

Allie H.

Coaching Client

“When I started working with Kathy, meal planning was one of the highest priorities.

As I learned to meal plan step-by-step, I was able to build from what I learned instead of reinventing the wheel. I still refine as I go, and it is a drag-and-drop process now, which allows me to pop in creativity with my meals as time allows.”

Lisa S.

Meal Plan Accountability Club Member

VegInspired Books

30 Minute Whole Food, Plant-Based Cookbook

Super Easy Plant-Based Cookbook

Budget-Friendly Plant-Based Diet Cookbook

*Links on this site may be Amazon Affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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VegInspired Recipes