Toasted Ravioli
Toasted Ravioli
Way back sometime in the early 2000s, a friend of mine introduced me to these amazingly tasty toasted squares of deliciousness from Olive Garden… enter the Toasted Ravioli. We enjoyed them every chance we got to drive the 30 minute trip to the nearest Olive Garden. For obvious reasons I don’t indulge in the toasted ravioli from Olive Garden now; so we made a VegInspired version – And they are utterly delicious.
We started with the vegan ravioli from Whole Foods, but you could start out with any vegan ravioli – we just saw Rip Esselstyn speak and the Engine 2 line has several whole-food, plant-based, oil-free ravioli that would likely work well in this recipe. To get the crisp baked texture, we dredged these ravioli in some all-purpose flour, a quick dip in some aquafaba (the liquid from a can of chickpeas), and then a nice coating of toasted bread crumbs and then into the oven they went to bake to perfection.
Click over to the video below for a full how-to on the making of these tasty Toasted Ravioli.
Toasted Ravioli
Nutrition Information:
Serving Size: 1 grams
Amount Per Serving:
Unsaturated Fat: 0g
Until next time!
Eat More Plants & Live VegInspired!
Yes, we ate them on a hoagie with pasta sauce, vegan meatless meatballs, vegan ricotta, and melted mozzarella.
Watch the Video here: