Eat More Plants!
Adopt a VegInspired life and find harmony with your wellness & life.
When living a VegInspired Life, you can have it all!

Imagine not having to choose between your well-being and your goals!
Imagine living a healthy lifestyle that supports and is in alignment with your wellness and life goals! One where you have confidence, freedom, and fulfillment.
With a VegInspired Life, you’ll be able to have more…

Health & Wellness



Alignment & Harmony

Hi, I’m Kathy
I knew the research and results of adopting a plant-based diet. I knew the solution was to clean up the way I was eating and start eating more whole food, plant-based meals, but …
…but I was scared! …but I didn’t know where to start! …but I was too tired. …but I didn’t want to miss out on the amazing food on our travels! … but what if it didn’t really work?!
I had all the “buts,” and when I finally made the decision to go all in on whole-food, plant-based eating; I actually tried to talk myself out of it, and my husband asked me that life-changing question… “What if you stop thinking about plant-based eating as a diet and start focusing on adopting plant-based habits as part of your way of life?”
So I ask you, what if you had the support and guidance to live the life of your dreams, to go all in and create a way of living that aligns with and supports your personal and professional goals? To live a VegInspired Life?
Plant-Based Mentorship & Coaching
Fuel your aligned and inspired life with an Eat More Plants approach. This individualized mentorship & mindset experience meets you where you are and guides you through a SHIFT to your new way of living.

Successfully Plant-Based Membership
Ready to unlock vibrant energy, radiant health, and a community of like-minded individuals? Join the Successfully Plant-Based Community and discover the easiest, most enjoyable ways to embrace and maintain a plant-based lifestyle!
Weekly coaching and plant-based resource calls to support you on your plant-based journey.
The Meal Plan Essentials Kit For the Modern, Health Conscious Woman. Dip your toe into meal planning with 2 guided meal planning videos, our framework, checklist, and 2 meal plan templates. If you've wanted to try meal planning, this is the the starting point to help you revolutionize your meal plan routine!

Speaking & Interviews
The benefits of plant-based eating are shown to increase productivity, energy, and overall quality of life!
Schedule Kathy to speak to your podcast, company, organization, or community.
VegInspired Books
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