woman journaling by window

What do you really want? A Journal Exercise for Clarity

🥅What do you really want in life? What are your big goals? What are your big dreams?

🪄If you could wave a magic wand and have all of your dreams and desires met… what would your life be like?

What do you really want?

Take a moment and participate in this journal exercise for clarity. Pause, stop, and think; let yourself create space to think, write, and answer these questions:

  • 🥅What do you really want in life? What are your big goals? What are your big dreams?
  • 🪄If you could wave a magic wand and have all of your dreams and desires met… what would your life be like?

Too often, people don’t think, we don’t stop and allow ourselves to extract clarity AND connect with our dreams, desires, and imaginations… and when we do, we often come up with reasons why it can’t work or relive past experiences where it hasn’t worked. I see this a lot working with clients, both with their health and wellness and their businesses… they’ve tried eating programs, diets, exercise programs, supplements, they’ve tried business coaches, social media or ad support,… all the things, and the results haven’t been long term, it hasn’t been sustainable. 

woman scrolling on computer while eating pasta with tomatoes

Mindset Matters & Journaling for Success

Through this work, I have uncovered that it isn’t that the program that doesn’t work… it is the mindset of the individual. The connection and clarity of the goal, the deep-seated why, drives the work, the thinking, and the action!  

Our past experiences can cloud our mindset; they can cause us to lose sight of what we really want because we settle for what we deem possible. We lose sight of the big dreams and bigger picture because our belief is clouded.

Journal for Clarity

I uncovered that I would read posts like this and tell myself later. Later I will stop and journal. Later I will dig into that. Later I will work on myself. Later, later, later. But I’ve learned that the inner work, the mindset work, is necessary every day, throughout the day. The bigger our goals, the more we need to reconnect with them. The more we need to stop, connect, and let ourselves take action in alignment with those goals.

So again, I invite you to stop your scroll and think, reflect, journal, and answer these questions:

🥅What do you really want in life? What are your big goals? What are your big dreams?

🪄If you could wave a magic wand and have all of your dreams and desires met… what would your life be like?


What dream do you find hiding in the cloudy fogginess of your past? 

What is that big dream you have? 

 WomanJournaling by window - faded image with text "what do you really want? a journal exercise for clarity"

With clarity on your desire, your next step is to define the action you will take to get there – there is no such thing as “something for nothing.”

In our Eat More Plants Academy, we dive deep into the mindset necessary to make this Eat More Plants or Plant-Based Lifestyle Change a true and lasting transformation! If you are ready to take the following steps toward making plant-based or plant-centered eating your way of life… let’s chat!