Unlock New Potential for Your Body and Mind with Food
Unlock New Potential for Your Body and Mind: Make Seemingly Insignificant Changes to the Way You Eat
Have you heard of the Butterfly Effect? The Butterfly Effect… a series of small, seemingly insignificant changes that compound into significant impact. I didn’t always know the power of plant-centered eating on my success. For years, I thought “eating healthy” was simply something one did for weight loss.
Unlock New potential for your Body and Mind with Food
- Have you ever considered how the way you eat affects your success in life and business?
- What if what you eat (or don’t eat) sabotages your success?
- What if you made seemingly insignificant changes to the way you eat?
At the end of 2019, I was trying to launch full-time into running VegInpired. Daily, I was battling a lack of inspiration, motivation, and brain fog – my mind couldn’t grasp my dreams for the growth of VegInspired. Additionally, my body was fighting obesity, prediabetes symptoms, markers, and overwhelming fatigue.
Looking back, I can see that what I was eating day-in-and-day-out directly affected my ability to live the life of my dreams. It was affecting my body, energy, and sleep but also my mind, heart, and thinking.
- Have you ever considered how the way you eat affects your success in life and business?
- What if what you eat (or don’t eat) sabotages your success?
- What if you made seemingly insignificant changes to the way you eat?
The Shift – Eat More Plants for Success
In December 2019, I shifted how I eat to incorporate whole-plant-based foods into my daily habits. I started to take daily action toward my goals of living an energized and adventurous life, running my business as we traveled the US in an RV, and living at my ideal weight and feeling confident and full of energy! And guess what? The more plant-based and unprocessed foods I ate, the better I felt, the better I performed, and the more energy I had.
Seemingly Insignificant Changes…
…that you can make starting today:
- adding blueberries to your breakfast every day
- eating a salad loaded with veggies alongside your lunch
- swapping a fruit or vegetable or nuts for processed snacks
- enjoying an extra scoop of vegetables at each meal
“The most ethical diet just so happens to be the most environmentally sound diet and just so happens to be the healthiest.” ~Dr. Michael Greger, nutritionfacts.org
The Outcome
What if those seemingly insignificant changes to your everyday meals compounded to impact your life significantly? On your success? On your wealth? On your health?
I teach my clients and community members to eat in alignment with their goals.
- Want more energy? Eat foods that provide more energy!
- Want better health? Eat foods that promote health.*
My results over the last 3+ years include 50+ pound weight loss (and maintenance), increased energy, reversed markers of prediabetes, overall better health, increased confidence, better and more consistent performance, and attention to my business which led to 4 best-selling publications, the launch of international coaching programs, and 10x of business revenue.
Do you want to increase your wellness, success, and overall joy in life? Eat More Plants for Success!