Maple Pecan Nice Cream
I am not sure why I never tried maple pecan ice cream before, but I was recently floored by how delicious it was. IT WAS DELICIOUS! Where had this been all my life?? Well, I set out to recreate this tasty frozen treat with a plant-based twist! You know, VegInspired styled!
You need to plan a bit for this recipe as you are going to need a couple of frozen bananas. We freeze our bananas when they start to get extra brown and spotty. Simply peel them, break them into 4 or 5 pieces, and freeze them on parchment paper, once they are frozen solid, transfer them to a freezer bag. We use ours within a few weeks to avoid freezer burn (and because we love banana ice cream! Get your spotty bananas into the freezer and let’s make this Maple Pecan Nice Cream!
Maple Pecan Nice Cream
Maple Pecan Nice Cream
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 1
Serving Size: 1 grams
Amount Per Serving:
Unsaturated Fat: 0g
Until next time, Eat More Plants & Live VegInspired
**We use a food processor because we feel it is easier to get the ice cream out and it the pulsing of the bananas, in the beginning, creates a creamier texture. Feel free to use a high-efficiency blender.